Based on their wide product range in thin layer technology, COTEC® is able provide a wide variety of surface refinement including tiny items as well as coating large surface components, from planar objects to complex 3D models.

Our widely varied customer base is provided with extensive surface treatment solutions covering the numerous areas of surface treatment. For one, the focus is on protecting the surface from mechanical damage and wear and tear but also on refinement through functional, anti-static, anti-fogging or anti-fingerprint coatings. The extremely smooth layer additionally creates an easy- to-clean surface.
Our refining and the added value allow customers to integrate our DURALON product family along with the vapor deposition equipment (i.e. HCS series) developed for this process into their own production lines. Our corporate philosophy translates into a close liaison with our customers and catering to their individual wishes and requirements.
Our relevant products for the automotive industry:
Our parent company SDC Technologies, Inc. offers coating solutions. Together we’ll work with you to develop an ideal coating solution for your products.